Authentic Austrailan handmade Returning boomerangs for sale, Hand painted by Aboriginal artist
Authentic handmade Returning
boomerangs for sale.
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We use a mix of modern paint and traditional ochre. Our first boomerang was made by our teacher and Elder many years ago; he was taught by his father before him. The design of our returning boomerangs remains authentic to their teaching. They are true “returning boomerangs” and fly beautifully. OF COURSE, YOU NEED TO THROW THEM CORRECTLY. See our “How to throw a boomerang” page.
Boomerangs for sale.
you can go directly to our “Boomerangs for sale’ page
We only sell our own handmade authentic Australian returning Wooden boomerangs. We make and hand-paint them ourselves and sell them directly to you. We ONLY have Authentic returning Boomerangs For Sale which are traditional Australian Boomerangs. Here is where you can buy a Wooden returning boomerang, which is handmade by Australian craftsmen and completely hand-painted by Australian Aboriginal artists. The Wooden returning Boomerangs are approximately 16 1/2 inches (42 cm) from tip to tip. these are Authentic returning Boomerangs and you can choose our plain basic returning boomerang or our beautifully decorated ones. All the designs have meaning and are based on family. The designs come from several tribal areas and were taught to our senior artist 'Bulku" when she was at the Mananura Centre by visiting elders. Bulku was a founding member and manager of Mananura. We are proud supporters of the Aboriginal Literacy Foundation. Bulku is a member of the Indigenous Art Code
Boomerangs for sale.
These Australian returning Boomerangs are for sale and can be given as a great gift, displayed as art, or thrown for sport. They are guaranteed “returning boomerangs” (when they are thrown correctly!). On our website, you can see a lesson on how to throw a boomerang with either the right or left hand.
Check out our how-to-throw instructions.