Boomerangs for Children
Compromise just isn't an option, our master boomerang maker has taken some years to develop a suitable, real returning boomerang for children, one which can be thrown and enjoyed by small children and still be satisfying for bigger kids. We didn't want to go and make a plastic toy boomerang. It had to be light enough to be thrown by small children yet robust enough to withstand the hard life of a boomerang, and at last we have got it.
These are made just the same as our full size range but from thinner, lighter timber. The smaller size is as small as we think we shouldn't go any smaller because they just wouldn't come back. These are quite easy and forgiving in their turning and we think pretty soon your child will be making it come back.
SAFETY. just because a child can throw a boomerang doesn't mean he/she understands the potential dangers. Competent adult supervision is essential.
A great game, one which both my children loved and adapted from a traditional boomerang game played by Aboriginal children for many generations. is to place a small blanket on the ground where the child is and get them to throw the boomerang and move back allowing the boomerang to land, a competition between friends is who can make it land nearest to or on the blanket. Once this becomes easy, move the blanket forward until the child can make it land after making a full circle, 20 steps in front of where it was thrown from was . This was the game for young traditional hunters who when hunting were moving forward driving prey as they advanced.
The size is approximately 14 inches tip to tip.
Throw strength, if a child can throw a ball about 20-25 meters, we think they can successfully throw this boomerang.
We are packaging these boomerangs in pairs (we hope they will be used with friends, or at least your child can have a spare) So the price is for 2 boomerangs.
$40 AU for 2 boomerangs
Shipping is $20 AU to Australia/United States/ Canada and Europe for 2 or more. no extra for larger quantities.